Hello from Fumiko, the Archived
retired chair of the San Diego Japanese Speech Contest (2008 - 2023)
As this is a hobby page, it could paradigmshift.
Retired from teaching completely in 2015
Past highlights from 2019 SDJSC!
1) Zane the winner of SDJSC 2019 won the ALL USA High School Japanese Speech Contest
Some news from Japan are seen in the above website.
2) Carlo, the college level winner of SDJSC 2019 landed in Sapporo.
Will explore the northern part of Japan and then back to Tokyo. ...
Participating Schools for 2022:
Canyon Crest Academy, Mira Mesa High School, Rancho Bernardo High School,
Torrey Pines High School,
Grossmont College, San Diego Mesa College, San Diego State University,
University of San Diego, University of California, San Diego
Contributing teachers:
Ayumi Dohr, Keiko Ito, Hiroko Takagi, Izumi Takeda,
Don Quinn, Sato Umabe and other teachers
Guests and Judges:
Ms. Shoko Kida, Consulate General of Japan inLos Angeles
Ms. Kate Leonard, Honorary Consul of Japan in
San Diego,
Dr. Ryu Kitajima, San Diego State University
Mr.Kirill Miroshkhin,
Bank of Hope, Los Angeles
Dr. Yuki Arita, San Diego State University
Performing Artists:
Reiko Obata (Koto),
Annelle Kazumi Gregory(violin)
Masters of Ceremonies:
Dacoda Strack & Rachel Valdez
Japan Foundation, Japan Airlines, SONY,
Kyocera, Rancho Santa Fe Foundation,
SDYSCS, Masonic Secretaries Association, Wa-Common, Kazumi & Sakata,
Vivi Navi, Kazuko Coyne, SDJBA, San Diego Yuyu, TJSC, CAJLT
North Park Lions Club
Consulate General of Japan Los Angeles
San Diego Japanese Speech Contest Committee
Fumiko Tachibana
when we met Hisako called us togeter. June 2008
Tachibana, Hisako, and friends (2008, Hisako was 82 then!!)
Fumiko, Kate, Hisako
North Park Lions Club, our host since 2019 - 2023.
Eye Glasses Donation Drive June 5, 2021
Video made by Fumiko
with Dr. Knott was Hisako's fiance.
Dr. Knott on the right with Napoleon the Great. Dr. Knott
Eye Glass Donation Drive North Park Lion's Club 6/5/2021
June 5, 2021, NPLC Club House on Utah St.
Dr. Knott on the right with Napoleon the Great. Dr. Knott was Hisako's fiance.
Hisako June20, 1926 - July 10, 2021
Dr. Knott held a memorial service for Hisako, January 2022.
North park Lions Club Booth Be Happy at North Park Farmers Market 10102019
Fall 2019 North Park Lions Club Booth at North Park Farmer's Market
December 21, 2019 at 4:01 PM
Fumiko's personal memories al a carte
photo collage of memories
My heart-felt appreciation goes to the following inspiring teachers whose kind heart still remains in my heart
when I look back upon my life in the US: Takako Izumi sensei, Mikiko Imamura sensei, Poet/Professor Steve Kowit,
Prof. Manuel Cortes, Dr. Carlos Von Son. They passed away soon after that.
I miss them all so much! My big thank you also goes to Dr. Dan McLeord, Professor Emeritus at SDSU,
the most important person who gave me an initial support via SDSU.
Thank you all, with all my love and appreciation.
The classrooms were my most favorite place where I could be myself.
The most active period was at Palomar College (1999 - 2015) after my life was spent in the college classrooms
in Japan and San Diego and students were my treasure. I had the pleasure of winning the Distinguished Faculty Award
in 2006. I was also recognized the following year by the Board of Directors of the San
Marcos Chamber of Commerce.
Meet Your Facult :Fumiko Tachibana
Distinguished Faculty Award at Palomar College
Page 27 of
Telescope (Official/ this page is still working see page 27) / Screen Shot
"Thank you all!"
(photo: June 2006)
"Award Recognition" 2006 in front of Howard Brubeck Theatre at Palomar College
I can't say thank you enough how much you all made my days!
Photo was taken by Ken Levin, who taught Business Japanese.
My hobbies
オーケストラ参加記録2018年。記録は は2017年、2018年と残しています。
June 2017
February 2017
With Princess Michiko
美智子皇后さまが妃殿下でいらしたころ at Tokyo Poetry Reading Circle
古典学者の橘健二(新編大鏡 栄花物語、 UCSD Library Data)はこの頃大変喜んでくれ、
この時着ていたオーバーコートは父のこの日のためのギフトでした。 記念になるので追加しました。
About Fumiko Tachibana
here are some
personal notes:
Fumiko has two grown (adult) children. Her son works in Los Angeles as an IT company manager and her daughter
owns andruns a small bar in Ginza. Please stop by! They both enjoy work, which makes their mom very happy as
Fumiko has been retired for a decade. Now she enjoys playing music. Currently focusing more on the piano
after struggling with violin. She loves Bach.
Also creative activities in every possible way, she loves.
She is currently looking for a songwriter who would like
to put music to her poetry. Please let me know. Didn't Shakespeare say "music is the food of love?, wait
Music is the food of life!
and everything!
Going back to poetry. She was once recognized as one of 36Japanese women poets in the anthology
"Other Side River" (Free Verse (Rock Spring Collection of Japanese Literature) published by Stone Bridge Press in Berkley
in 1995. She sometimes enjoys the revision of the past work. Someone reprinted her chapbook published in 1989
without her permission. She is letting it go. Her husband is a hard worker, as well as a unique thinker and a believer
a Ph.D. in physics and a master of two B's. Banking and Budo He is also a lover of Bach and Goldberg Variations.
They plan to visit Bach's hometown in the fall.
written Spring 2024
people who know me well do not know much about me well, so this page will be a surprise... :)
HMV & Books Bio
pieces of some local news and memories.
Lighthouse インタビュー記事 12/2012
Heritage Award (JSSDTに掲載された当時の記事2007年) I withdrew after I was nominated as I did not feel comfortable with online election.
Bridge Press, Berkeley in 1995. anthology inclusion/
Other Side River
Reviews on Other Side River, anthology of poems written by selected Japanese women poets, Stone Bridge Press, Berkele,
Old Photo Album(not updated)
Some students voices(not updated)
Fumiko's publications (not updated)
Fumiko's Poetry and Music詩と音楽
My short poem "Lead Me to Henrinji Temple" was put into opera by Mr. Burton V. Foreman.
This music was to be used for a new movie by Tokuma-shobo but unfortunately it did not happen
as it was supposed to. This song was one of the three songs performed and recorded
by the Radio and Symphony Orchestra of Krakow, Poland in mid 1990's.
Blog,Music/Violin, Started in the summer of 2014
Participated in the orchestra, June 2018
February 2017
"Alice in Nara" is Fumiko's memory of her father, originally written in English which came out in 1982.
This story won a writing contest in 1982 which came with a traveling award.
She misses those exciting memories, winning trips and cash prizes. This is the prototype image
behind her love for the Speech Contest she has been in charge of for decades.
Copyright (C) 2000 - 2019
(2000 - 2008)
The above animations are my hobbies in the early years at Palomar.
This page is under construction
Fumiko is on facebook.