Anthology "Other Side River" : Stone Bridge Press, Berkeley in 1995. Review 2,

My poem "Lead Me to Henrinji Temple" was put into an opera by Mr. Burton V. Foreman.
This music was reportedly to be used for a movie by Tokuma-shobo but it did not happe, unfortunately.
This song was one of the three songs performed and recorded by the Radio and Symphony Orchestra of Krakow, Poland in mid 1994.

ラの作曲家として精力的に発表もされていました。以下でご紹介するLead Me to Heirinji Temple は、私が書いた詩が
気に入られてソプラノのための曲を作られたものです。徳間書房制作の 映画にも使用される可能性があるというお話があった

Lead me to Heirinji, words by Fumiko Tachibana, Music by Burton V. Foreman
Lead me to Heirinji Temple, performed and recorded by
the Radio and Symphony Orchestra of Krakow, Poland in 1994.

"Lead Me to Heirinji Temple"
poem by Fumiko Tachibana
music by Burton V. Foreman

Lead me to Heirinji Temple

I walked alone
through rice fields
and far-reaching sky

a crow perched
on top of a leafless tree
tilting its head

forlorn (ah)
forlorn (ah)
the crow cried

forlorn (ah)
forlorn (ah)
the crow watched
a distorted face

I wish the wind would
carry away my tears
but it's too late

coming this far
to be near to you

but it's too late

Lead me to Heirinji, words by Fumiko Tachibana, Music by Burton V. Foreman
Lead me to Heirinji Temple for Orchestra, performed and recorded by
the Radio and Symphony Orchestra of Krakow, Poland in 1994.
Poem: New Canadian Review, summer 1983

(Piano version of Lead Me to Heirinji Temple) ピアノバージョン

Mandala, words by Fumiko Tachibana,;Music by Burton V. Foreman 曲のみ

Gymnopedie on ancient piano 1

March 5, 2008 12:51 PM イタリア製骨董品のピアノは音が響きすぎでこわごわ弾いています。
This piano (August Forster) is ancient. 何時に弾いたのか覚えていませんがずいぶん鳥の声が聞こえますね。

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